7.9. Baha Meal & Blue Whale Recovery Center | NFT-using Self-Support Donation Platform

“Warm Meal, a steppingstone for new life” Baha Meal performs free meal service for homeless persons and the urban poor support business

“Everyone deserves recovery”

“From isolation to independence, from independence to living together”

Blue Whale Recovery Center progresses self-support business that helps a neglected class of people to be able to support themselves and live together with the society.

NFT-Using Self-Support-based Donation Platform?

  1. Donation-verifying NFT service: Blockchain-based transparent donation record and data management

  2. NFT-using self-support-based donation

  • Breaking the conventional donation method and supporting donee’s self-support via making and trading NFT

  • Donation by trading: the outcome of the productive activity of the donee(content) is made into NFT and it is traded on the market

  • Donate to Earn: Purchasing contents with investment value to donate

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