3.3. Resouce-Optimal Green Public Blockchain Network

NAXION is developed as a public blockchain to minimize the resource consumed for the proof-of-work algorithm. This minimizes the electric resource used for maintaining the network to minimize the environmental effect.

In detail, for the connection between the nodes, the security, and verification method are reinforced to reinforce the security of the blockchain, and unverified nodes do not work publically. This is to block the access of ASICS miners that aims only for digital currencies and secure the network speed and stability for nodes that are used for actual businesses.

Public blockchains support the possibility for the users to maximize their participation like Bitcoin, and more participation increases the computer “nodes” on the network. For massive node networks that operate consensus algorithm of blockchain will make the credibility distribution greater. But in this case, if an individual object grants a more important position than the computer resource, it can be difficult to control it.

Massive blockchain networks that use the current generation of protocols and proof-of-work consensus algorithms are very inefficient. These networks consume a lot of energy to operate nodes and validate new transactions, and the distribution of transactions is progressed very slowly as well. NAXION is designed with energy and resource consumption of system operation in consideration and aims to operate it as a true green network

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