1. Abstract
AI Infrastructure and Service As a Public Blockchain Network
Blockchain is a data recordkeeping system that connects each transaction as a block like a chain.
Since it is not a specific central server managing the data but the blocks are independently distributed and stored, making it practically unhackable and blocks with modified record data are not connected with other blocks so blocks cannot be manipulated.
Due to the principle of the system structure that copies of ledgers are distributed to each network participant and new transactions must be validated under the consensus of unit nodes, the efficiency and transparency are high.
Naxion is a Layer 1 public blockchain mainnet developed with the vision of becoming a world-class AI-supported public mainnet. It features 100% decentralization, AI-based node operation, and gas fees less than 1/100,000 of Ethereum's. Naxion is designed to enable users to experience and utilize blockchain, AI, and Web 3.0 in everyday life.
Naxion’s performance-optimized Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) smart contracts, along with its easy-to-use native tokenization and consensus service APIs, enable developers to create real-time web3 applications and ecosystems that will drive the future of the internet.
Naxion is built differently from other blockchains. It has high throughput with fast finality; low, predictable fees; fair transaction ordering with consensus timestamps; and a go-lang codebase that ensures scalability and reliability at every layer of its network infrastructure.
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